Books everyone should read.

Every leader said that everyday they tried to read something. And that is why there is saying Leaders are readers. So here i have listed down some books which every one should must read.

1. Atomic Habits by James Clear

This book suggest that with small change in everyday life one can achive great things in life. Author also says that habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. Like money multiplies through compound interest the effects of your habits multiply as you repeat them

2. How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie

The book is old but classsic and relevant. In this book author give some principle if one follow them they he will have all quality which leader require. For example Don't criticize, Give honest and sincere appreciation, smile, be good listener, ask questions instead of giving direct orders, make the other person feel important etc

3. Deep Work by Cal Newport

In this book author try to justify deep work in today's world where our concentration power comes down to seconds. Author tells that deep work is most valuable skills in our economy. if you master this skill you'll achieve extraordinary results with this skill. Here author first explains today's situation about social media, e-mail and notification in this enviroment it is hard to focus on one thing.